Submission Guidelines


  • The Icarus Writing Collective will use Google Forms to collect submissions. Anything submitted through email will not be considered.

  • We accept simultaneous submissions, as long as you notify us that your piece has been accepted elsewhere. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept previously published works.

  • You’re welcome to submit once to each category.

  • We are able to award writers a $5 honorarium, paid through Venmo or PayPal.

  • Writers retain all rights to their work after publication. The magazine acquires first serial rights including print and electronic, after that, rights belong to the author. If you decide to publish your work in a larger collection, we just ask that you credit us for first publication.

  • Please include any content or/and trigger warnings in the form.

  • It’s not required to have your contact information in the document, but doing so won’t disqualify you from publication if your piece is selected.

  • If you feel your writing doesn’t fall strictly into short fiction or flash fiction (such as a hybrid form like autofiction for example), you’re welcome to submit to the category that fits the word count and explain what it is and why.

  • Work generated by A.I. is not tolerated or accepted. Anyone found submitting A.I.-generated writing or art will not be able to submit to future issues.

Please look at our categories below for the specific guidelines per each form.

Word Count: 1000-5000

  • Please submit only one piece per submission period.

  • Double-spaced preferred, but not mandatory.

  • .docx and .doc uploads only.

  • Please include on the form how your story connects to our theme and magazine briefly.

Word Count: Under 1000

  • You’re allowed to submit up to 3 different flash fiction pieces per submission period.

  • Please include them in the same document file, each on a separate page with its title.

  • .docx and .doc uploads only.

  • Please note in the form how your story connects to our theme and magazine briefly. (If submitting multiple, please explain for each.)



  • Unfortunately, we are unable to accept artwork previously commissioned by another party or published elsewhere.

  • We accept all two-dimensional mediums, digital and traditional. Unfortunately, we cannot accept sculpture pieces. A photograph of a sculpture is entirely okay.

  • Photographers must also include written or digital permission from models at the time of submission.

  • Any photographed objects must be in the public domain, taken in public areas, or free to use.

  • Please include any content or/and trigger warnings that relate to the art pieces in the form.

  • We are able to award artists a $5 honorarium, paid through PayPal or Venmo.

  • Artists retain all rights to their work.

Please look below for the submission guidelines.

  • You’re allowed to submit up to 3 pieces per submission period, of any art form.


  • .png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .pdf files only.

  • Please include on the form how your art connects to our theme and magazine briefly.

Thank you so much for considering our magazine!